NHS referral service

If you have been referred for more treatments or tests, you can check on the referral by using the NHS website or app. Please find more information below.

Check a referral using your NHS account

You can check a referral by using the NHS website or App.

You will need your NHS account login details and the NHS App to access the App.

Suspected cancer referrals

All the information relevant to your symptoms will be included in the referral form your clinician sends. This may include investigations (e.g. blood tests or scans that have already taken place). This information will be considered very carefully by a specialist – a process called ‘triage’.

The hospital team will contact you after your referral has been triaged to discuss the next best steps. This may mean arranging further investigations, seeing you in appointment or talking to you over the phone.
If you have not heard from the hospital within FIVE working days, then please contact them to check on the progress of your referral (contact details below)

You may want to ask these questions when you speak to the specialist:

  • Will I need any tests? (If I do, what tests will I need?)
  • Will I need to stay in hospital? Should someone come with me to the tests?
  • When will I find out the results of the tests? Who will let me know the results?
  • What will happen next?

We appreciate that this is a worrying time for you so if you have any concerns, please do speak to your GP or other healthcare professional for support.

Find out more about referrals

You can find more information about referrals on the NHS website.